Welcome to B2R Bexleyheath

Meet your Club Manager
I’m Roberta, known to everyone as Bert!
I started running when I was 48 as I was determined to be fit and Fifty not fat and Fifty! I joined B2R Dartford as a rebooter as I was able to run 5K beforehand. I loved the club from day one after running alone it was so refreshing to have people to run with, they have become very good friends!
I have run lots of 10Ks and a few half marathons too. Having runs planned keeps me motivated. I have also run 3 Marathons, all London. The first one was in Lockdown so was virtual and possibly the hardest! The other two were such good days and I’m very proud of all of my medals!
I became a Team Leader in 2023 and really enjoyed being involved in the background with planning routes for sessions and being able to give back to the club members.
Now, as Club Manager, I look forward to the challenge of keeping Bexleyheath running as well as it has been, since it opened. I think taking complete non-runners through 10 weeks to being able to run 5k is an amazing opportunity. I love encouraging the runners and watching them fall in love with running, how I have!
You can meet me and your future clubmates by joining our fun, vibrant, social online Facebook group before even stepping out the door.
If you are not on FB, don't worry our office team are on
hand to help you with any queries and I look forward to meeting you at a club session soon!
Where To Find Us
Bexleyheath Academy, (Goals Car Park Entrance)
Graham Road, Bexleyheath, DA67EG
Club sessions are Monday and Wednesday @ 7.30pm
How to Join Us
Beginners 0-5k Group
Find more information & FAQ's hereBrand new to running, and want to try something new, get outside, get fit, find your tribe and have some 'me' time? Look no further. With our fun, friendly, run/walk beginners groups, let's do this together!
Already a Runner?
Or find more information & FAQ's hereIf you are already running 5k or more regularly and are looking for a group of likeminded running friends then come and join in our twice weekly club sessions where we will always have a 5k and often longer run groups too.
Got questions?
No problem, let's chat!